Gallery types

As you know, a gallery is a place where works of art are exhibited and then sold. But because art is diverse and has different directions, galleries also vary in type and purpose.

In the broadest sense, a gallery as an organization can be for-profit and non-profit. As a rule, non-commercial galleries are those that are located on the territory of a state museum and are an integral part of it. Accordingly, the focus of such a gallery will be somewhat different, with the classical functions of the exhibition business coming to the fore, namely educative and educational. The commercial type of a gallery implies advertising, attracting customers and trade. The specifics of a gallery are in the sale of art objects.

Types of galleries are divided: according to the way of financing, there are municipal and private galleries. The former are located in the premises, which are provided by the state. They can occupy a large area and have an impressive collection of exhibits. They are not characterized by entrepreneurial activity, since these galleries are financed by the state. Private galleries are distinguished by the fact that they not only hold shows, but also sell works by young artists. Here you can use the service of creating a picture to order. The budget is formed on the basis of the gallery’s commercial activities, namely, the sale of exhibition objects.

Galleries are divided by orientation to types of art: a gallery of fine art, sculpture, design, decorative and applied art. There are galleries that focus on digital art, which is based on the use of computer technology. Digital art includes digital painting, pixel graphics, and demoscene.

Galleries can be classified according to their focus on art movements: realism, abstractionism, surrealism, and others. Galleries engaged in exhibition activities in the field of contemporary art are contemporary art galleries. In such a gallery there are performances and installations, and works from the late twentieth century to the present day are represented.

There are different types of galleries: showroom galleries, representative galleries, large gallery and showroom galleries, solo galleries and virtual galleries. A gallery-salon sells paintings by contemporary artists of various directions, and produces reproductions of famous paintings. Organizing exhibitions in such a gallery is not a mandatory part of the activity. A representative gallery offers permanent, regular exhibitions – presentations of both young and established artists. The gallery-exhibition hall has its own collection, takes part in various projects and fairs, organizes seminars and workshops. These galleries also organize exhibitions and sales, which may have a specific theme or a combination of different areas of art. A solo or single-artist gallery exhibits the work of only one artist. A virtual gallery is an electronic resource that allows you to view and order art from anywhere in the world. The named gallery has a commercial purpose – to hold virtual exhibitions aimed at selling works. But the placement of paintings in such a gallery can be provided free of charge. On the gallery’s website you can find information about each author, order critical articles, news about competitions for artists.