Cariton Art Gallery in Canada

Cariton Art Gallery in Canada is located in the region of British Columbia, in the city of Abbotsford. It has been in operation for more than forty years, exhibiting interesting works by local artists, natives of British Columbia. Over the years there have been over three thousand exhibitions, revealing to the general public many brilliant painters who later achieved international acclaim. The gallery is always crowded and admission is free.

“The Cariton is a popular art gallery located in Abbotsford, Canada. The gallery has been exhibiting the works of local artists for more than 40 years and attracts all the city’s intellectuals as well as many tourists to the Cheriton.

The Keriton Gallery was founded in 1972 by the Abbotsford Arts Council and over time has become the organization’s main business. The gallery exhibits exclusively the work of contemporary artists who were born in British Columbia. Through the years, the gallery has hosted over three thousand exhibitions and discovered many talented painters who later achieved widespread acclaim.